My Targets for Summer Outreach Programs Might Include:
Galaxy M31, also known as "The Andromeda Galaxy," is in constellation Andromeda. It is the nearest large neighbor galaxy. It contains several hundred billion stars and is about 2.9 million light years away. You can see two smaller companion galaxies in this image. M110 is seen below M31, and M32 is to the left of the core of M31.
Globular Cluster M13in constellation Hercules. It is considered to be the finest in the northern hemisphere. It is about 25,000 light years away and is about 145 light years in diameter. The cluster contains several hundred thousand older stars.
Open Star ClusterNGC 869(lower) and NGC 884 in constellation Perseus. The pair is sometimes called "The Perseus Double Cluster." They are 7100 and 7400 light years away, respectively, and they contain young stars.
To see an even better image from the Astronomy Picture of the Day website, just click on the red underlined name.
Double star Albireo, or Beta Cygni, is in constellation Cygnus. I see colors blue and gold in my telescope. The color difference is due to different surface temperatures, with blue being hotter. It is not certain whether the pair is gravitationally bound, but they have common motion in space. They are about 410 light years away.
GalaxiesM51(left) and NGC 5195 in constellation Canes Venatici. M51 is also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy. These galaxies are about 37 million light years away.
Galaxies M81(left) and M82 are in constellation Ursa Major. These galaxies are about 12 million light years away. The separation between these galaxies is about 150,000 light years.
Planetary Nebula M27, also known as "The Dumbbell Nebula," is in constellation Vulpecula. It is about 1250 light years distant and has an age of about 3000 to 4000 years. The nebula will continue to expand and fade.
Milky Way at Hurricane Ridge photo by Daniel Litoff.
Planetary Nebula M57, also known as "The Ring Nebula," is in constellation Lyra. The nebula, ejected by a dying star, is thought to between 6000 and 8000 years old. It is about 2300 light years away.
Olympic Telescope What You Will See!